TechnoOps Collection Config Generator
Choose what settings you want, click on generate, and copy all the text in the downloaded txt file and paste into your servers config file
Main Settings
Adjust features that work on all maps
perk_limit - Adjust the perk limit:
enable_healthbar 1/0 - Enable/Disable health bar:
enable_zombiecount 1/0 - Enable/Disable zombie count:
enable_earlyspawn 1/0 - Enable/Disable spawning in early rounds:
enable_weaponanimation 1/0 - Enable/Disable weapon animations when you spawn in:
enable_hitmarker 1/0 - Enable/Disable the hitmarker:
enable_origins_mud 1/0 - Enable/Disable the mud movement on Origins:
This feature allows players to exfil and end the match without needing to do a final stand.
enable_exfil 1/0 - Enable/Disable Exfil:
Rampage Statue
This feature allows players to allow zombies to run faster and have zero respawn delay to make early rounds faster
enable_rampage 1/0 - Enable/Disable Rampage Statue:
rampage_max_round num - Set the round in which the Rampage Statue will end:
Tranzit Extras
Extra features that slightly improve Tranzit
enable_fog 1/0 - Enable/Disable Fog:
enable_denizens 1/0 - Enable/Disable Denizens:
enable_poweropensdoors 1/0 - Enable/Disable Power opens all doors (Including Pack a Punch):
enable_secretmusicsurvival 1/0 - Enable/Disable the secret music Teddy Bears in Green Run's Survival maps:
enable_lavadamage 1/0 - Enable/Disable lava damage:
Useful Perks
Most perks have additional effects. (Tombstone has PHD, Double Tap has quick melee, Stamin Up has unlimited sprint, and Speed Cola has fast hands)
enable_upgradedperks 1/0 - Enable/Disable Upgraded Perks:
Useful Nuke
The nuke will give points to all players by every zombie killed
enable_usefulnuke 1/0 - Enable/Disable Useful Nuke:
usefulnuke_points num - Adjust the points given per zombie:
Zone Notifier
Get notified when you enter a new area
enable_notifier 1/0 - Enable/Disable Zone Notifier:
The ability to see your zone location, direction youre facing, and the angle youre facing
enable_compass 1/0 - Enable/Disable Compass:
enable_direction 1/0 - Enable/Disable the compass direction:
enable_angle 1/0 - Enable/Disable the compass angle:
enable_zone 1/0 - Enable/Disable the compass zone:
Bo4 Max Ammo
Whenever a Max Ammo is given, itll fill both the ammo and your current clip
enable_bo4ammo 1/0 - Enable/Disable Max Ammo filles current clip:
Global ATM
Have the ability to store and obtain points in a global bank, allowing other players to use aswell.
enable_globalatm 1/0 - Enable/Disable the Global ATM:
Bonus Points
Prone near the perk machines to get bonus points, option is not available on Die Rise and any machines manually added by a custom script
enable_bonuspoints 1/0 - Enable/Disable Bonus Points:
bonuspoints_points num - Adjust the amount of points perk machines give you:
Tranzit Fast Travel
The ability to fast travel around Tranzit making navigation less tedious
enable_fasttravel 1/0 - Enable/Disable Fast Travel on Tranzit:
fasttravel_price num - Adjust the price it takes to use Fast Travel:
fasttravel_activateonpower 1/0 - Enable/Disable Fast Travel activating on power - If Disabled, youll have to activate it inside the bank:
Instant Pack a Punch
When using the Pack A Punch, itll happen instantly instead of waiting for the weapon to come out to manually grab it
enable_instantpap 1/0 - Enable/Disable Instant Pack A Punch:
A chance to get infected when a zombie hits you, get rid of the infection by touching the cure skull. Based off of COD Advanced Warfare Zombies' Infected zombie type
enable_infected 1/0 - Enable/Disable the Infected mod:
infected_start_round # - Round in which the mod will activate:
infected_infect_chance 0-100 - Chance in which the player get infected:
infected_infect_timer # - How long the player has until they die when infected:
infected_infect_decrease # -How much time that gets decreased when a zombie hits an infected player:
infected_cure_price # - Cost for when the player uses the cure skull:
Vanguard Perk Animation
Whenever a player grabs a perk itll show the perks icon similar to how it was on Vanguard
enable_vghudanim 1/0 - Enable/Disable Icon animations whenever a player gets a perk (Like in Vanguard):
Additional Settings
These settings are not for regular play! Its mainly meant for debugging and cinematics. Mess at your own risk!
hide_HUD 1/0 - Disable/Enable the HUD:
cinematic_mode 1/0 - Enable/Disable Cinematic Mode - This disables kill barriers:
enable_debug 1/0 - Enable/Disable Debug mode - This displays a menu that shows cords and angles along with God mode and No target:
enable_directorscut 1/0 - Enable/Disable Directors Cut - This gives you 250,000 points, two pap'd guns and all the perks:
Generate Config
Generate Default